Friday, June 12, 2009

Useful Tips on Driving in France

AR of more than a million foreign drivers will take to the French roads. Divers will be on leave, some come to France for the cold or to buy the chosen few will be on their way to other destinations. All face certainly is contrary to drive requires the following general statistics to. largely fatal noose was convinced to ignore the points I think that the chances that got small, and the spirit of the idea that aliens are, they think that they can be justified.

Do not underestimate the possibility of obtaining refined as many radar control. You can also lose their license if you exceed hastighetsgransen from 25 k / h and the speed of the fines imposed on the spot. Way to go in and enjoy the trip home messs. It is worth remembering that when the road wet, hastighetsgransen reduced. On motorway limit is 130K / h is reduced to 120k / h if the conditions of the water.

Of the dual- mode restrictions 110K / h and reduce to a 100K / h, when it is wet. Look at the different symbols, which take place in cities, where the 50K / h foreboding appear. Don will not adhere to the open bar your seatbelt in the front and rear passengers explicitly bar their too. Remember age limit allowed to drive in France 18.

As langt headlights, the , so they must have a converter, and when the visibility has not improved, it is important to maintain the neighbor on. As of roundabouts, priority depends on the car of your left. You may also be useful to know some of the following words and phrases: 1. To be out of gasoline = the Tomb of the boiler d' essence 2. For a breakdown of the Tomb = panne 3.

Switch off the agent = Coupez LE moteur 4. Entry = Sens interdit 5. Tires = Pneu 6. Continue straight = Continuez spy droit 7. Gasoline = Postal d' essence 8.

To puncture = Crever 9. I will reduce in langsam = J " arriverai tard 10. It would be better to rent a car = vaudrait mieux prendre de la IL voiture 11. For GA V = Se redirect vers 12. This is not serious / non- irritant, if = Ce N ' EST Pas grave 13.

To offset = Se put in route 14. To return = Revenir 15. To keep = Partir 16. To remove = Arriver 17.

For this ha = Aller 18. accumulator = La batterie 19. Wheels = Roue 20. Pa wheel = Au Volant 21. Brake = Frein 22. Driving = permission De conduire 23.

The drive continues = Aller tropical vite 24. Crash car = how rentrer SA Voiture dans 25. Catastrophes in Rentrer = dans 26. Take time = Rien NE presse 27.

La = Venir

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